How do beautify your small house?

A room of your own, a tidy bed, and some nice furniture. No matter how small, who doesn’t want to decorate their own home? In the early morning, the sun enters through the window and wakes up the night. At the beginning of a new day, upon seeing a beautiful and tidy room, both the body and the mind become relaxed. However, it is not always possible to arrange your own house as you wish. There is a huge difference between effort and ability. But the Bengali mind. You understand. Either way, we always have our minds set on decorating that beautiful apartment. Let’s find out today how much more beautiful your small yard can be made at a low cost. Finally, I will discuss some small mistakes. Let’s take a look at those strategies.

Make the wall attractive
Who said to spend a lot of money to decorate the walls? Try your own best. Today, many beautiful oil paintings are available at low cost. Apart from that, only the charisma of bright colors can make the walls attractive. You can also hang any of your favorite pictures and photographs on the wall. The embellishment will bring a unique look along with the growth. Some new home décor companies have recently launched that can do these things for you at a nominal cost.

Handmade if possible
You can make some things yourself to save costs. For example, pen holder, vase, frame, etc. They can be made with very little effort. You will find thousands of such handmade videos on YouTube. Buying everything in the house from a good store does not make it beautiful. If possible, keep homemade items at home. Individuality will come and look good.

There is no fear in old furniture
I hear many people say that they don’t want to buy second-hand furniture. Mind you, if you want to buy everything new, it will cost a lot of money. Looking at the old furniture or the house is good if it is found, then what is bad? Just make sure it looks nice and goes with the rest of the furniture in your room. And if you can afford it, there are new ones to buy.

Don’t forget about the future
Don’t buy anything too heavy and difficult to move. Think twice with these things in mind before buying anything heavy. Will get married in near future. The baby may not be now but after a few days? Heavy furniture takes up more space. And for babies, light things are always better. So think about the day ahead and decorate your yard accordingly.

Learn to spray paint
A very modern idea is this spray paint. You can learn by yourself. You will find numerous tutorials on the internet. You can try spray paint on one side of the wall. You can also try spray paint on old broken furniture to give it a new look. A glance is enough to change the look of a room. I think you should learn it soon. A lot of expenses will be saved.

Shake off Karana
Never skimp on buying good things. Remember the house is yours. The expression of one’s personality is revealed to people through this house. But it is true that in many respects you need to save money. But that doesn’t mean you have to be stingy. Like bed sheets. Covers a large area of ​​the house. Along with curtains, cushions, pillow covers, and carpets. Never skimp on them. For example, tea table, tray. These are the ones that come in front of the guests more. Try your best to buy the best and nicest thing.

Two in one
There are many pieces of furniture available today that can perform multiple functions at the same time. It can be electronic or made of wood. Such is the tool of the dressing table. It can be used for sitting and can also be used for serving breakfast. Some of the larger items include the drawing room divan. You can spend the night there if you want. Buy furniture that can be used for various purposes at the same time. Innovation will come and space will be saved.

Keep some savings for essentials
Saving is very important. When you’re shopping for a home, there are a few things you’ll forget. So keep some budget handy. Let’s say you bought a very nice dining table. You can’t buy a neat dinner set for it because you don’t have enough money. Don’t let that happen. Also, always keep some savings so that you can buy something expensive suddenly if it breaks.

Don’t throw away old furniture
Many times we discard old furniture thinking that it doesn’t go with modernity. Frankly, this is a very wrong idea. Carefully bring some old furniture from your parent’s house. See how it feels with a new varnish. It will change the look of the whole house. And it will bring the Baenid Baenid vibe to your apartment. Don’t drop anything. Just need to recognize the right thing.

Use every inch of the room
How much we want to surround this small apartment. So make sure that every space is used properly. For example, the corner of the drawing room. Never think about it. But any corner showcase can be kept at a low cost. A variety of sculptures are also available. Again, think of the space under the bed. You can very well store heavy and useful items there. In addition to keeping the room tidy, you can arrange books and papers in the corner showcase. The house will look very nice.

The light of the house is the air
Even if we talk about it at the end, the importance is not less. No matter how much you decorate the house without a proper arrangement of light and air, it will not do any good. If the air cannot flow, a stuffy climate is created in the house. And Su-s


The need for proper light ventilation is immense for living. Do not put any heavy curtains in front of doors or windows so that light can enter properly. And never place heavy furniture anywhere for proper air circulation. Take care of them. No matter how artificial lighting is arranged, there is no substitute for natural light or sunlight.

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